How to Activate Your Healy Device?

When you receive your Healy Device you need to activate the device within your Healy online account. Everyone whether a customer or a member sets up an online account when they purchase their Healy Edition.

You will not be able to use your Healy Pink App or your Healy Analyse App until you activate your Healy Device.

If you have forgotten your login details for your Healy account, you could search your emails for a welcome email from Healy, or alternatively you could go to your relevant country shop link and do the following;

  1. First, choose the relevant country shop link -

    Australia & NZ

  2. Go to Login and then click Lost Your Password

  3. Enter your email address, check your email and then follow the link to reset your password

  4. You can now Login into your Healy account using your new password.

Once inside your account, you need to activate your Healy Device. Use the images below to help you find where to go

You need to click on Healy Activation -then choose option A or B to enter the serial number of your device and proceed to activation.


Now when you log into your Healy Pink App or your Healy Analyse App you should be able to proceed with connecting your device.

If you still have issues when you try to connect your Healy to your smartphone, you can log into your online account and raise a support ticket with the Healy Technical team.

If you purchased your Healy through us and you need more assistance please use our contact form to get in touch.


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