Bernadette Alvarez Tostado Daccarett – Healy Distributor in Ciudad Victoria, Mexico

Based - Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas., Mexico

Languages Spoken - English & Spanish

Social Links - Follow Bernadette on Instagram / Follow Bernadette on Tik Tok

Bernadette is an Organizational Psychologist with honorable mention from Tecnológico de Monterrey, currently completing a master's degree in clinical neuropsychology, E-RYT 500 from the Yoga Alliance and Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition NY with specialization in Digestive Health, Eating Psychology, Balance Hormonal and Ayurveda. Certified by Amens Clinic as a Brain Health Professional. As well as a specialty in Nutrition and Mood from UCLA. Bernadette is also certified in several anatomy and hypopressive specialties and an IFS (Internal Family Systems) therapist.

If you're ready to explore Healy with Bernadette and experience the benefits of daily frequencies to enhance your wellness please connect with her using the links below to ensure she becomes your chosen Healy sponsor.


Shop Healy Mexico


Profesional Healy - Mexico

Precio de venta al público de Healy Professional, impuestos incluidos- MX$87,999.00 incl IVA
50% de descuento sobre precio MX$43,999 IVA incluido
Además, recibirás un Healy Coil, un Healy Natural Cycle y un Healy Soul Cycle gratis.

Resonancia Healy Plus - Mexico
Precio Regular incluyendo impuestos - MX$54,999.00 incl IVA
40% Precio con descuento MX$32,999 IVA incluido
Además recibirás un Healy Natural Cycle y un Healy Soul Cycle gratis.

Resonancia Healy - Mexico
Precio de venta al público incluyendo impuestos - MX$32,999.00 incl IVA
3o% Precio con descuento MX$ 23,100 IVA incluido
Además recibirás un Healy Natural Cycle gratis.

Esta oferta es válida hasta el 30 de junio de 2024.


Contact Bernadette

If you would like help purchasing your Healy Device, please feel free to use the form below to contact Bernadette for support.


Julie Real Torres– Healy Distributor in Cancún, Mexico


Roger Pilatowsky – Healy Distributor in Tulum, Mexico